Monday, January 5, 2009

A New Year

It is sometimes refreshing to start a new year. There is a sense of having a clean slate. The troubles to the year past are gone and there is alot to look forward to in a new year. At least that is the way I am choosing to look at this year. I had recently read a blog that asked people to come up with a new word as a theme for the new year. As I pondered what word I would choose (which there were many I coudl choose from), I finally thought of the perfect word for me this year. The word I chose is WISDOM. Wisdom in everything I do, in every aspect of my life. This would mean really drawing closer to the creator. I want to make wise decisions for myself and also as Simon and I make decisions together. This is my prayer for 2009...To have WISDOM.


Heidi said...

i think you have a lot of wisdom already, but i guess we can always have more, right? i wish you a year of increased wisdom and closeness with God, and everything you hope to gain. happy new year, my friend!

Heidi said...

you've been tagged!!! check it out:
